


“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."
– Albert Einstein

In the hallowed humanist tradition which expands the horizons of youth through individualized instruction, Mentor Academics offers the commited student an opportunity to engage in a one-on-one mentorship.

Each specialized bespoke mentorship experience is tailored to the specific learning objectives of the student. Topics range from the primary academic field of interest to advocacy concerns to complementary areas of interest which nurture the student's versatility and range.

Activity options include (partial list):

  • Completing a research paper to submit to reputable peer-reviewed journals and present at conferences

  • Serving as a Research Fellow / Assistant in a university lab

  • Engaging in a creative project (e.g. writing or film documentary) to submit to competitions

  • Launching a passion project and creating a team of volunteers to maximize community impact

In Homer's ancient Greek epic poem Odyssey, Mentor was charged with the guidance and education of young Telemachus, son of King Odysseus of Ithaca. Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategy, disguised herself as Mentor and encouraged Telemachus to confront and overcome obstacles by championing truth and justice.

We at Mentor Academics are dedicated to identifying ideal student-mentor matches and topics/activities of pursuit in order to galvanize our students as they, too, champion truth and justice.